Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Beth's 10th Birthday party

Blowing out

Beth was 10 on 20th March. I finally organised the party for May 11th. That means I need to start organising about 50 days before her birthday at least if I want to have the party anywhere near her actual birthday She had it in May last year as well! Do I want her to have another party? Could I get away with not having one!

It went very well in the event despite half the guests not being able to make the only Sunday that I could book the climbing wall. Beth amazed us all by clambering up to the top of the highest wall with remarkably little difficulty. What else can she do that we know nothing about?

The food went down well, there was plenty for the adults as I had massively overcatered, we actually ate the last of it for tea last night. Beth then went home with a friend for a lovely afternoon lolling in a hammock and splashing in a pool. I managed to finish strimming the lawn without feeling guilty for neglecting her and Bruce managed to work without feeling guilty about neglecting me. A good day all round.

More pics here Maire's" flickr photos

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Back after a long gap

I still can't actually think about my last posting and it certainly knocked me off the blogging ladder but life must go on and I plan to gentle my self back into it with a few simple posts based mainly on photos.

The weather here has been wonderful and after a couple of weeks when it felt like we were practicing hermits we had a trip to Garden Organic, Ryton on Tuesday. It is a lovely place with a lovely and dangerous shop. I restrained myself somewhat but managed to find a strawberry planter that seemed big enough not to require hourly watering. We met up with a lovely group of home educators and after a tour of the gardens (By the adults we were quickly deserted by the children) we joined them in the Children's garden for a picnic lunch.


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