To our great surprise the DCSF have responded to our request for the Literature Review and you can view the reply to our Foi here
and download either version.
We have yet to read and take it in but at first glance I do not recognise much from my own research and reading.
Very interested to know what others make of it.
Well, the very first paragraph surprised me - 2007 numbers for HE children estimated to be between 42250 and 150000. How come those numbers didn't get used anywhere then?
that is a particularly sparse literature review isn't it! hopeless
It's certainly not what I'd call informed. He isn't an academic researcher and it shows. Painful.
A key question is why wasn't 42250 used as the base in the Annex that suggests EHE children were twice as likely to be known to social care, rather than the 20000 that Badman used in the press briefing. This reduces the percentage for EHE from 6.75 to 3.3% - a figure indistiquishable from the reported 3% for the population as a whole. This is a serious problem for DCSF and Badman.
Very basic, with a lot of "evidence suggests". Not impressed.
Shirl x
yeah, I wondered that too Bruce. I think it's a lets make up our numbers game. All worth putting to the select committee anyway.
sorry, 45250. Drops the percentage just that little bit further.
This is evidence of the (superior) achievement of home educated children compared to that of schooled children, referred to in the section "International Evidence on the relative performance of home educated children" at the end of the first paragraph, where it says "I have included Block's table summarising the studies and their reported outcomes in Annex B." It's on page 15 of the pdf, but the document itself has no page numbers. (Is this standard practice in government documents? If so, it seems most unprofessional not to number pages.)
We have Annex A, a selective list of home ed regulation in various countries, but not Annex B. Is this a clumsy attempt to hide it, or just a mistake?
Can you complain that your request under FOI has not been met, as some information is missing?
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