Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Next Battle - Going Local

Going to talk to  Leicestershire EHE advisor tonight with a group of other he ers.  Hope I will be able to keep my cool.  One main thing I want answering is who is responsible for their policy and documents?  No point arguing with someone who actually doesn't have a say.  (Must remember to listen to myself for a change.)

We did respond to their consultation last year but I fear that very little of what we said has been taken on board.  I have been avoiding finding out for the sake of my blood pressure but needs must, so if nothing else going will make me read their documents here.  Just look at the links you have to follow to get there, You are here: Home > Education > Going to School > Elective Home Education, it makes my blood boil!  (Calm down dear, it's only an abuse and waste of hard earned taxpayers money!)

Well I am going to try and mostly listen; yes Bruce laughed too when he heard that.  I won't even have read all the documents, a lovely sunny afternoon is beckoning and I think the garden deserves some attention.  I need to see this as a long haul, I am in good company many others will now be taking this on in order to make sure we have a more level playing field for the next attack supportive consultation.   It does not help that the first thing I run into is the dratted Ever Child Matters nonsense quoted totally inappropriately, sigh.  

Will endeavour to keep this site updated with my endeavours

Would be very interested to know what others are doing and perhaps link to it here.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Wow we have Won the Battle

Ok maybe we have to still keep up our guard, continue to educate people and promote home ed but I think we very much deserve to celebrate.

So lets all Engish and Welsh home educators raise our glasses tonight at nine thirty and congratulate ourselves and fellow home edders for a fantastic result.  Of course we have to thank our supporters in Scotland and Canada and elsewhere and hope they and any and all home educators will join us.  Please could you share a photo here so we can all share each others celebrations.

The first indication that all would be well came with a notification of amendments to the Children Schools and Families Bill, the second when Ed published his open letter to Michael Gove.  Then the conservatives published it and finally the DCSF themselves.

We are of course very happy that Ed isn't and I expect the other parties are delighted with this piece of propaganda on their behalf, so generous!

So cheers me dears, , the fat lady hath sungeth and the balls bill has shrunk in the wash upfor sure, oh happy day.  Tonight we celebrate.  Woo hoo! Woo hoo!

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